
Kate Gilday - 10h d'enregistrement audio

Audio is in English.

Complementary support for the nervous system - A focus on anxiety, insomnia and depression =4h57
The concerns and problems we face in this fast-paced life can become overwhelming, and for some people crippling. There are also physiological stresses that can contribute to anxiety, depression and insomnia disorders. Addressing the emotional landscape and spiritual foundation of a person’s life is at least as important as dealing with some of these physiological challenges. Once again, the plants oer themselves in a spirit of remembering how to live a more sane, healthy and peaceful life. Some topics covered: favorite nervines, treating nerve disorders including neuralgias, tics, nerve damage, etc., understanding the concept of Yin deciency in anxiety and depression, the relationship between Kidney and Heart, the role of the Liver, the role of the GI tract and the nervous system, using herbs with, in place of, or after pharmaceuticals.

Maladie de Lyme, une approche holistique =4h59
En recrudescence dans nos régions, la maladie de Lyme est peu connue principalement parce qu’elle est mal diagnostiquée. En effet, l’expertise pour reconnaître et traiter cette maladie n’existe pas au Québec, surtout dans sa forme chronique, qui peut pourtant avoir des effets dévastateurs sur les systèmes nerveux et musculo-squelettique. À travers une optique d’herboristerie occidentale, de thérapeute en Ayurveda et d'élixirs floraux, Kate partagera ses idées sur la façon de supporter les personnes aux prises avec la maladie de Lyme et de ses co-infections. Plusieurs syndromes seront vus : neuropathie Inflammation des articulations et des muscles, fatigue profonde, candidoses, métaux lourds, toxines et leurs impacts sur la maladie. Pour être en mesure de reconnaître la maladie de Lyme et d'offrir un traitement efficace, avec le potentiel d’alléger et même d’enrayer les souffrances de vos clients de manière drastique à court et à long terme.

Kate Gilday
Kate Gilday is a clinical herbalist, flower essence practitioner and creator, Ayurvedic lifestyle consultant and herbal teacher. She is the founder of Woodland Essence, a forest botanicals and ower essence company and workshop center that she manages with her husband Don Babineau. Kate is well-loved for the clarity and clinical relevance gleaned from decades of experience in her teachings. She is a member of Collaborative Healing, a group of local practitioners who address health care through a unique integrative network, educating the community and combining conventional medicine with expert complementary care.

Audio is in English.

Complementary support for the nervous system - A focus on anxiety, insomnia and depression =4h57
The concerns and problems we face in this fast-paced life can become overwhelming, and for some people crippling. There are also physiological stresses that can contribute to anxiety, depression and insomnia disorders. Addressing the emotional landscape and spiritual foundation of a person’s life is at least as important as dealing with some of these physiological challenges. Once again, the plants oer themselves in a spirit of remembering how to live a more sane, healthy and peaceful life. Some topics covered: favorite nervines, treating nerve disorders including neuralgias, tics, nerve damage, etc., understanding the concept of Yin deciency in anxiety and depression, the relationship between Kidney and Heart, the role of the Liver, the role of the GI tract and the nervous system, using herbs with, in place of, or after pharmaceuticals.

Maladie de Lyme, une approche holistique =4h59
En recrudescence dans nos régions, la maladie de Lyme est peu connue principalement parce qu’elle est mal diagnostiquée. En effet, l’expertise pour reconnaître et traiter cette maladie n’existe pas au Québec, surtout dans sa forme chronique, qui peut pourtant avoir des effets dévastateurs sur les systèmes nerveux et musculo-squelettique. À travers une optique d’herboristerie occidentale, de thérapeute en Ayurveda et d'élixirs floraux, Kate partagera ses idées sur la façon de supporter les personnes aux prises avec la maladie de Lyme et de ses co-infections. Plusieurs syndromes seront vus : neuropathie Inflammation des articulations et des muscles, fatigue profonde, candidoses, métaux lourds, toxines et leurs impacts sur la maladie. Pour être en mesure de reconnaître la maladie de Lyme et d'offrir un traitement efficace, avec le potentiel d’alléger et même d’enrayer les souffrances de vos clients de manière drastique à court et à long terme.

Kate Gilday
Kate Gilday is a clinical herbalist, flower essence practitioner and creator, Ayurvedic lifestyle consultant and herbal teacher. She is the founder of Woodland Essence, a forest botanicals and ower essence company and workshop center that she manages with her husband Don Babineau. Kate is well-loved for the clarity and clinical relevance gleaned from decades of experience in her teachings. She is a member of Collaborative Healing, a group of local practitioners who address health care through a unique integrative network, educating the community and combining conventional medicine with expert complementary care.